Whether you are a frequent traveller or not, every travel plan you make will require you to have finance at your disposal. This is because when you are miles away from home, you may need to attend to emergencies, shop, or you may want to sign up for new experiences. Carrying a wallet full of cash to fund such expenses can be cumbersome and risky. So instead of relying on cash, carry just one credit card with you. Apart from ease of payment, most credit card companies also give you additional perks and bonuses based on your usage. The Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard for instance, offers you benefits of 4 cards in one- credit card, debit card, EMI card and loan card.
Here are a few things that you must consider to ensure that you select the best travel credit card.
Check the annual charges and additional rewards before applying
Most credit cards come with an annual fee that you have to pay. In some cases, this may be waived off if you spend a specific amount in a year. But most often, issuers make this fee mandatory. Logically, having a card without any yearly fee may seem rewarding, but financial experts suggest that travel credit cards with a fee typically offer better rewards, offers, and special discounts. Moreover, you get enhanced travel protection with these cards owing to insurance and other built-in features. So, while selecting a travel card check if the charges justify the rewards that are on offer.
Check if the card comes with a usage limitation
You take a travel credit card because you want to pay for all travel-related expenses easily. So, selecting a card with limited usage will cause a problem. Before you apply check international usage limits, fees, and other terms. Only pick a card that offers immense flexibility. Moreover, be wary of foreign exchange transaction fees and needless to say, do not choose a card that charges you a huge fee each time you transact in a different currency.
Check if you will get value-added perks on your card
A good travel credit card should offer more than travel rewards and benefits. The best travel credit cards in India are meant to offer a bouquet of privileges like fuel surcharge waiver, exclusive retail discounts, cashbacks, accelerated reward points on each transaction and much more. So, it is prudent for you to select a credit card that makes travel easy, but also gives you benefits all through the year.
Offering you a host of travel benefits, Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank World Plus SuperCard proves to be one of the best travel credit cards. It offers you more than Rs.55,000 worth of travel benefits around the year that include complimentary airport lounge access 8 times a year, rewards on international spending, discounts at restaurants, and much more. This apart, you can gain from yearly fuel surcharge waivers, get 1 movie ticket free on BookMyShow every month, and get a welcome bonus of 20,000 reward points.
Also, you can meet your emergency cash needs with this credit card easily as it permits interest-free cash withdrawals from ATMs for up to 50 days. The only charge you pay here is a flat 2.5% processing fee. With such exclusive and extensive benefits you can now travel the world with ease with the SuperCard in tow. Moreover, you can also use your reward points to make travel, flight, and hotel bookings in the future.
To start your SuperCard journey, check your pre-approved credit card offer from Bajaj Finserv and apply for a credit card online right away! Using the pre-approved offer makes the process super-fast and hassle-free.
About the Author:
Rupesh Singh is freelance writer and founder of moneyoutline.com You can follow him on Google + & Facebook.