Keep Things Moving With Energy and Clean Water

by | Nov 6, 2019 | Energy Feature

Cities: Clean Air and Energy-Efficient Planning

Every city around the world needs energy to keep it moving and keep all members of the community safe and healthy. Cities need energy to run all of the daily activities and happenings. An uninterrupted supply of energy is necessary and clean air and a sanitary environment are possible with energy-efficient planning in place. Every city is the core for economic and socio-economic growth. This is one of the vital keys to a global effort. This effort involves addressing climate change boldly and confidently. Keep in mind, millions of people live in some larger cities and they require energy for their daily activities. There is a very large need for energy efficiency in order to advance growth. The following needs to be accomplished in a city:

  • expand basic infrastructure
  • assist with a growing demand for useful energy services
  • expand on methods for energy efficiency
  • long-term energy planning
  • keep energy service programs in place

Every city has the ability to tap into sustained and renewed efforts in order to address barriers within the community. The items to address include:

  • incentives
  • efficient and sustainable buildings program

Energy efficiency is an untapped area. Creating a clear and efficient pathway in every city is possible with dedication, commitment, information, and the right tools.

Merus: Resolving Water Problems

Merus is a business that is working hard to resolve water problems throughout the globe. Merus has started the installation of Merus Rings. This all began in private homes in Germany. The product had very good results and word-of-mouth spread. The Merus Rings were passed into various other industries. The current focus is on the reduction of the following:

  • biofouling
  • corrosion
  • existing deposits

Water in the city is vital. Clean and clear water is a necessity around the world in every type of community. Reducing negative side effects of fluids has been a clear goal of Merus. Social responsibility is necessary for a sustainable economy and for fostering methods for cleaner drinking water. This is accomplished without the use of unwanted chemicals. Safe water treatment methods must be used wherever water is being used. This includes cooling engines, air condition. cooling processes and heat exchangers. Every city is impacted by cooling water treatments and the methods that are being used. The following physical conditions play a role in the treatment:

  • temperature
  • pressure in a liquid change

When these conditions change, the chemical substances that are contained will change their behavior. It is vital to place consideration into the ways water and foreign substances behave in different types of conditions.

Cities and Citizens are Working Together

Energy in the city is a serious business and there is much to be done in order to keep cities thriving. Every city and every citizen can do their part to create positive changes in their cities, communities, and the entire planet. Every company can practice environmental responsibility and leave a clean footprint in their community. Changes in policies can be made at any workplace to solve many unhealthy environment concerns while fostering positive changes in any city. Clean energy is the current trend and responsible companies are jumping aboard and creating positive changes with the use of clean energy. Every business may appreciate a few good “green” tips and ideas, including the following items:

  • start a green marketing campaign; incorporate green strategies and include the consumer in any of your “green” happenings within your business. Host a recycling event and invite your customers and encourage everyone to bring any item to recycle and provide a nice gathering
  • implement sustainable practices within your business; perhaps a focus on air pollution might be a good place to begin. Get an environment theme going in your community and let other businesses know how your company is impacting the environment. It may turn into a very good plan and saving on the resources will benefit everyone

Energy: Harnessing Resources and Ongoing Efforts

Harnessing energy and finding more solutions in 2020 is only going to increase and continue to get better. Many ongoing efforts are going to carry into the new and upcoming year. This is going to greatly impact the lives of every person living on this planet. Expect the following energy harnessing to continue and get expanded on:

  • geothermal
  • solar
  • wind
  • hydroelectricity
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