Role Played by the Online IAS Coaching in the Preparation for the IAS Exam

by | Dec 16, 2019 | Education Feature

It’s the online IAS coaching that makes it possible for a great majority of the IAS aspirants to begin with (first of all) and then continue with their preparation for the IAS Exam. There are many who simply do not find the idea of joining a traditional classroom IAS coaching institution feasible for some genuine reason or another.

Whom is the online IAS coaching actually meant for?

The online IAS coaching comes to the rescue of all those IAS aspirants who might not have been able to realize their dream of preparing for the IAS Exam otherwise, let alone clearing it. The point worth being noted is that there are great multitudes (than one can easily perceive of) of the IAS aspirants who can’t simply spare the time in order to follow the coaching schedule at the traditional classroom IAS coaching institutions for various reasons.

Some of the major reasons are listed below:

  1. You have a full time job: Well, you might be having a full time job that you cannot resign from for a practical reason or another. Thus, you simply do not have sufficient time to attend the coaching classes in order to prepare for the IAS Exam.

The same circumstance might be bothering you as well!

  1. You are a housewife and can’t leave home on the daily basis: Well, it’s the Indian Administrative Services and the family ties are greatly valued in the society of India. Thus, an Indian housewife finds it somewhat difficult to leave home every day in order to attend the coaching sessions.

What if, you too, are a housewife troubled with a similar problem?

  1. You can’t leave your native town/village/city etc., and move to Delhi: Every year witnesses huge crowds of the IAS aspirants moving to Delhi for no other reason, but to prepare for the IAS Exam. What if, you cannot do so?


Thus, it surely gives a very nice and almost perfectly heartening feel, bringing the smiles back to most of the IAS aspirants when they find that the online IAS coaching allows them to study at their own convenience. You need not give up your full time job. And there is no compulsion for you to leave home or your native town either.

If you opt for the online IAS coaching, you may study at dawn or the middle of the night! You need not go anywhere in order to attend the coaching sessions. It’s the coaching session that comes to you right online!

Tips to choose the best Online IAS Coaching

Though it’s a great reason behind the soaring popularity of the online IAS coaching institutions that it has made the preparation for the IAS Exam feasible all, that, of course, is no reason to opt for an online IAS coaching in a reckless manner. Here are a few tips on what to look for if you want to choose the best online IAS coaching institution:

  1. The Video classes should be updated regularly: If the online IAS coaching institution that you opt for updates the video sessions regularly, the likelihood of your attending the same sessions as are attended by the students attending the regular classroom sessions (i.e., if the online coaching provides that as well) is enhanced considerably. Besides, if the video sessions are updated regularly, they are more likely to be as per the changes (if any) produced by UPSC into the syllabus as well as the pattern of the question papers.
  2. The video-sessions should be co-related with the Current Affairs in the right perspective: No IAS aspirant can ever think of preparing for the IAS Exam without gaining and updating his knowledge of the current affairs. Thus, the video-sessions should make a suitable use of the facts and information based on the current affairs. Moreover, if the online sessions are suitably making use of the content based on the current affairs, you would be getting to see the pros and cons of the topic that is being taught at multiple perspectives. It will equip you better to write well-balanced answers when it comes to facing the Mains. It is certainly going to fetch you a score higher than others from UPSC in the Civil Services Exam.
  3. The faculty teaching online: The faculty teaching online should be thoroughly familiar with the syllabus so that they cater to all the requirements of what UPSC prescribes for the Civil Services Exam. Besides, the online coaching sessions should also be flawlessly competent. The faculty should also opt for and implement the changes in the teaching methodology as and when required.
  4. Study Material: The online study material provided by the coaching institution should be highly competent. It should have an edge over the study material provided by the regular IAS classroom coaching institutions. It’s so because if you opt for an online IAS coaching institution, you need to pay greater attention to self study than what you would have done, had you opted for a regular IAS classroom coaching institution. And it’s the online study material that would be aiding your self study.
  5. Online Test Series: Apart from the study material online, the online IAS coaching institution should also provide the IAS aspirants with well designed and highly competent online Test Series. What all you have been studying can be put to test only when you solve them frequently, including essay test series.

Apart from the advantages specified above, you might stand to gain from the online preparation for the IAS Exam in various other ways. For example, the online preparation for the Exam is bound to be quite economical when you compare it with the traditional classroom coaching. It should be noted that apart from paying the fee of the coaching institution, the IAS aspirants are also required to meet the expenses for meals, accommodation, the fare to go to the institution and get back to their lodgings etc., if they opt for a traditional classroom coaching. All the expense is saved if you go ahead with the online preparation for the IAS Exam.

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