Can Dogs Sense PTSD?

by | Aug 10, 2020 | Science Featured

It’s safe to say that dogs are pretty incredible. According to a survey done by the American Veterinary Medical Association, there were around seventy-seven million dogs in American households at the end of 2016. To quote a cliché, dogs are “man’s best friend” and for good reason. They’re caring, obedient, and have been known to perform incredible, life-saving feats for their owners in times of great stress.

Some dogs appear to have great intuition, which is why they go on to become service dogs. Service dogs can be particularly useful for people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. If you or a loved one is living with PTSD, here is why you should consider getting a trained canine companion.

Identifying the Problem

Before you consider getting a professionally trained service dog, you need an official diagnosis of PTSD. When people think about posttraumatic stress disorder, many only think about war veterans; however, anyone can have PTSD. Whether you’re young or old, any kind of trauma can have a serious influence on the way your brain responds to situations. Some teen PTSD symptoms include re-experiencing the trauma, avoiding stimuli that might trigger re-experiencing, hypervigilance, and potentially experiencing physical pain.

If your teen is living with PTSD, it may be useful to send them to a Polaris Teen Center where they can get individualized attention and be among other people their age who are struggling with similar issues. Through therapy and other resources, they’ll learn how they can live a full life and minimize their symptoms in a supportive environment. Once they come home with coping mechanisms, a trained dog could provide an additional support system for continued success and recovery. A dog won’t be a quick fix for their struggles, but it can be a stepping-stone to wellness.

Comfortably Take Your Friend Anywhere

Service animals are able to travel wherever you go, as long as your pet is truly certified. You’ll need to outfit your dog for all of your adventures, whether it’s going to the grocery store or on a cross-country work trip. JoyrideHarness is a company that makes a variety of dog harnesses and accessories.

If you’re looking for the best dog harness on the market, Joyride Harness has you covered. These harnesses are built to last, no matter the size of your dog. If your companion is a Yorkshire Terrier, Burmese Mountain Dog, or anything in between, you’ll be able to find exactly what you need. The side ring prevents damage to your dog’s throat and spine if pulled on, and the handle on the top makes it easier to guide your dog in crowded areas. This ability to guide your dog closely is very important if you’re navigating crowded spaces, like shops. They have various designs from camo print to rainbow, so you’ll be able to find something that matches you and your dog’s personalities.

You may not already have a dog in your home, so you’ll need other accessories. Joyride Harness has biodegradable poop bags, collapsible water bowls, seat belt harnesses, and just about anything that you could think of to keep your daily routine easy and your dog comfortable.

Trained dogs can be life-changing for people living with PTSD because they provide unconditional and constant support. Psychology Today states that dogs are great for people with PTSD, because they’re vigilant and will tell you if there’s any real, immediate danger. Dogs are also protective and can help you relearn trust. Sometimes, it can be difficult to access emotions with posttraumatic stress disorder, but a dog could help you remember how to love. You deserve a sense of security, and a dog could provide what you feel like you’re missing.

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