How to Provide Better Customer Experiences This Year With Reverse ETL

by | Mar 8, 2022 | Stock Market News Featured

One of the core reasons for effective data analysis will always be improving your customer experience. Data analytics can affect a wide gambit of different areas within a business. Everything from payroll, to the volume of production, sales, marketing, and customer satisfaction can all be impacted by effective, data analytics.

By using reverse ETL, companies can improve their data analytics and create powerful tools that will help drive customer satisfaction and improve customer experience. This new way of handling data is empowering to a company as a whole and allows for real-time analytics that can help with daily decisions.

How Do You Handle All The Data?

For most companies, the problem of data is a very real obstacle. The modern age sees companies living in the digital spheres with data constantly being created and stored. One of the main problems with data is that it can accumulate quickly and is not necessarily initially useful. This is where the creation of data silos comes into play.

When data accumulates in a way that is either unusable or hard to access, it becomes what is known as a data silo. For any company with an accumulation of data, they have to have a plan to deal with a data silo. For a long time, the data warehouse has been one of the staple answers to this problem.

One of the oldest methods of creating a data warehouse is to use ETL, Extract, Transform, and Load. This process takes data from a silo, transforms it into something useful, and then loads it into a warehouse where it can be accessed across the company.

What is Reverse ETL?

Reverse ETL is another method of data extraction, for the purpose of analytics, however, it deals with extracting data from the data warehouse. Often times a company will experience the same kind of problems in a data warehouse as were experienced with the data silos. These issues revolve around access and retrieval of data by the departments of the company that need it.

Reverse ETL works as a way to help get data back out to data sources, from the warehouse. This increases a company’s ability to get data where it needs to be and helps to build an overall effective tool for data analytics.

How Cand Reverse ETL Help in Customer Service?

One of the top ways that reverse ETL can help in the ears of customer service and experience, is by providing high-quality operational analytics. Reverse ETL can actually help data teams create operational analytics that can empower whole departments. This allows reps to have access in real-time to information that helps them navigate their challenges.

What Is Operational Analytics?

Operational analytics serves as a way to allow insight into data that affects daily tasks with real-time decisions. What makes operational analytics different from normal analytics, is that operational analytics is analytics in action when it’s needed. It’s data that is actually doing something, while analytics tends to be more retroactive.

Both forms of data analytics are powerful to help companies make informed decisions, but allowing reverse ETL to power operational analytics can greatly increase marketing and customer experience.

When data from a customer goes into a data warehouse, it can stay there unless retrieved specifically. With Reverse ETL, this information can be sent back out to the data source itself. This can provide marketing and customer satisfaction teams with real-time valuable insights into customer profiles. How was the customer’s last experience? What did they purchase? What were they looking for? All of this and more circulates back through the department and can give the information needed to help make real-time decisions.

Reverse ETL Improves Existing Data

What’s more, is that reverse ETL will also passively enrich your data. As it is returned to the source data point, it will be appended and modified with more relevant information. When it is returned to the data warehouse, it now has more valuable, pertinent information than it did.

Reverse ETL can help improve sales productivity, by giving insight that can help highlight good leads; it can increase merchant sales by linking to marketing in unique ways or even increase teams reporting time.

This tool can help to gather information from disparate sources and turn that data into useful analytics that drives customer experience forward. By using a Reverse ETL tool, you can empower an analytics team to create and implement operational analytics that can drive a company’s business intelligence forward.


Reverse ETL is a new, novel form of dealing with some of the oldest problems in the data field. This innovative tool can prove to powerfully connect multiple departments to the data they need. Being able to build operational analytics by using reverse ETL opens up so many new ways to help improve a company’s customer experience from the inside out.

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