Letters to the Editor is a periodic feature. We welcome all comments and will publish a selection. We edit for length and clarity and require full names.
Teeth-Gnashing History Repeats Itself
In reading about the AGGA (Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance) dental appliance and the associated problems (“This Dental Device Was Sold to Fix Patients’ Jaws. Lawsuits Claim It Wrecked Their Teeth,” March 1), I noted in your article no reference to a similar problem with the proplast-teflon product to treat TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, from the 1980s and ’90s, which caused equivalent damages. It amazes me that essentially the same story happened again. The proplast-teflon product even resulted in congressional-level investigations. And the product was summarily removed by FDA order throughout the United States.
Thank you for your good investigative work.
— Dr. Abbey Strauss, Boca Raton, Florida
— Dr. Joseph Ross, New Haven, Connecticut
This problem seems to expand beyond the AGGA device to the Las Vegas Institute’s entire methodology. The same thing was promised/done to me with braces by LVI-trained dental professionals. I was in braces for six years, and my teeth have spaces they cannot fill now — all while I’m still paying off my debt and unable to afford additional work.
— Chrystal Wilson, Roanoke, Virginia
— Doug Hirsch, CEO of GoodRx, Santa Monica, California
Slipping Through a Billing Loophole
I help support the type of network that this article references (“Bill of the Month: Surprise-Billing Law Loophole: When ‘Out of Network’ Doesn’t Quite Mean Out of Network, Feb. 28). I think it is important for KHN to educate people on narrow-network products, which was the product the Laskey family selected for their medical insurance benefits. These products have lower monthly premium costs for people who select into them, like the Laskeys, but reduce their in-n …