The European Union will launch an 11th wave of sanctions on Russia and seek to crack down on efforts to evade economic penalties introduced in the wake of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a top EU official told CNBC Thursday.”Europe has rolled out 10 packages of sanctions. We will have another package,” Mairead McGuinness, EU commissioner for financial stability, financial services and capital markets union, told CNBC’s Joumanna Bercetche at the International Monetary Fund’s spring meeting in Washington, D.C.EU countries have been in talks about drawing up a fresh round of sanctions against Russia in recent weeks and McGuinness confirmed an 11th package of measures is on its way.”Our information is that the sanctions are working, and we will be doing more but we need to look at full implementation,” McGuinness said. “What Russia is being deprived of is both the finance and the technologies to reinvent their war machine, and they are having problems on the battlefield.””We have to make sure that they don’t find ways around our sanctions, and I make the point repeatedly that the deeper our sanctions the more impactful they are, the more Russia will look for those ways whether it’s other countries or different bank accounts to circumvent.”McGuinness said that as well as coming up with further sanctions on Moscow, Brussels would also seek to ensure sanctions are implemented “effectively” so that it becomes harder for individuals and entities to circumvent them.”We have to make sure they don’t find ways around our sanctions,” McGuinness said. “I make the point repeatedly that the more deeper our sanctions, the more impactful they are.”She added, “Don’t underestimate the efforts that Russia will make with i …
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[mwai_chat context=”Let’s have a discussion about this article:nn The European Union will launch an 11th wave of sanctions on Russia and seek to crack down on efforts to evade economic penalties introduced in the wake of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a top EU official told CNBC Thursday.”Europe has rolled out 10 packages of sanctions. We will have another package,” Mairead McGuinness, EU commissioner for financial stability, financial services and capital markets union, told CNBC’s Joumanna Bercetche at the International Monetary Fund’s spring meeting in Washington, D.C.EU countries have been in talks about drawing up a fresh round of sanctions against Russia in recent weeks and McGuinness confirmed an 11th package of measures is on its way.”Our information is that the sanctions are working, and we will be doing more but we need to look at full implementation,” McGuinness said. “What Russia is being deprived of is both the finance and the technologies to reinvent their war machine, and they are having problems on the battlefield.””We have to make sure that they don’t find ways around our sanctions, and I make the point repeatedly that the deeper our sanctions the more impactful they are, the more Russia will look for those ways whether it’s other countries or different bank accounts to circumvent.”McGuinness said that as well as coming up with further sanctions on Moscow, Brussels would also seek to ensure sanctions are implemented “effectively” so that it becomes harder for individuals and entities to circumvent them.”We have to make sure they don’t find ways around our sanctions,” McGuinness said. “I make the point repeatedly that the more deeper our sanctions, the more impactful they are.”She added, “Don’t underestimate the efforts that Russia will make with i …nnDiscussion:nn” ai_name=”RocketNews AI: ” start_sentence=”Can I tell you more about this article?” text_input_placeholder=”Type ‘Yes'”]