3 Ways Technology Can Increase Business Productivity

by | Sep 2, 2017 | Technology Featured

It common knowledge that technology has ways of making it easier for companies to increase their productivity levels. There’s time tracking software, B2B card processing, productivity related apps, software to enhance communication, and much more.

To help business owners truly harness the power of the latest advances in technology, we’re going to share types of technology and ways small, medium, and large sized businesses can use it to increase productivity, provide better and more effective services, and ultimately make more money.

If you’re interested in learning more about the ways using technology to increase business productivity, read the following guide.

  1. Improve The Way Your Staff Communicates Through Technology

In order to effectively run your business, your staff needs to communicate effectively with one another on a daily basis. If you run a virtual “office”, technology will be even more important, but it’s still very beneficial even if your whole staff is housed under one roof.

An excellent piece of technology is called Slack. It’s an interesting platform that can take interoffice communication and bring it into the 21st century. It’s so effective because it’s a way to put all of your communications in one easy-to-use program.

With Slack and similar programs, members of your staff can send direct messages to one another, they can call each other through the program, and they can set up chat rooms that allow entire teams to directly communicate in one place.

If your team is working on an important project, they can effectively communicate with each other using Slack without ever needing to leave their desk. So they can get all of their questions answered, brainstorm with other members of the team from their desktop computer, tablet, or phone without having to waste time calling, emailing, or walking to one’s desk.

  1. Use Online Tracking Software To Track Employees’ Progress And Help Motivate Them

The beauty of online time tracking software, which can be found right here, is that it’s so much more than an online program that enables employees to clock in and clock out from their location. That’s certainly a huge benefit and it’s great if you’re running a remote business with employees located all over the world. But it’s only one benefit of many.

With the right online time tracking software in place, you can see exactly how productive your employees are while working on a given project and use this information to motivate them even further. If one employee is more productive than the others, you can offer to give them an incentive or some type of bonus for their hard work. Once your other employees realize you’re giving bonuses to the most productive people, they’ll work even harder to qualify for a potential bonus of their own.

  1. Technology Helps Employees Achieve Goals Quicker

Believe it or not, some intelligent people have even created goal setting software that employees, business owners, managers, and anyone else can use to their advantage. By setting business-oriented goals, you can use the software to track your progress, see where you need to improve, and see how much time you have left to reach your goals.

When you use high quality software of this caliber, you’ll feel motivated to achieve your business hopes and dreams. This will make you a better employee or a business owner and it will help you stay on task until you’ve achieved every one of your goals.


Please take our advice and use the latest technology to increase your business productivity, motivate your staff, track your employees’ performance, and communicate better with one another in the workplace.

Author Bio:

Pat Sava

Pat Sava is a super-connector with ManageBacklinks.io who helps businesses with building their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. Pat frequently writes about the latest advancements in the SaaS world and digital marketing.

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