About RocketNews®

A summary news aggregator of the top online articles and stories from around the globe.

No Ads In Articles

That’s right, no annoying advertising in our articles.  No popups, no inline ads, no banner ads, no sidebar ads, NO ADS PERIOD. We don’t use cookies to track you, watch you, or to sell your information to someone else.  The only tracking info we use is Google Analytics for internal information.

No ads means our content pages are fast and contain only what you want.  At RocketNews, you can surf ads free without the annoyance of being tracked or monetized.


Global Breaking News

Rocketnews is a leader in online headline news stories, an online resource for daily news syndicated in a single source.

Rocketnews delivers the top stories and the latest news in market news, financial news, business news, science news, health news, technology news, world and international news, sports news, celebrity news, and online news.

Award Winning

RocketNews was nominated for Best News Search Engine in 2003 and for a Webby Award for best Internet News Site in 2004.

Additional accolades came from Search Engine Watch as past honorable mention winner for Best News Search Engine.

Best News Search Engine

RocketNews.com: A History of the Website

Rocketnews is a business of Murray Owen LLC.  RocketNews was originally developed by Rocketinfo Inc., a Delaware company incorporated in October 1998, with offices at 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4200, Seattle, Washington 98104 USA, 206-219-0146.

RocketNews was nominated for Best News Search Engine in 2003 and for a Webby Award for best Internet News Site in 2004.

Additional accolades came from Search Engine Watch as past honorable mention winner for Best News Search Engine.

Until early 2009, Rocketinfo Inc. was publicly traded on the OTC:BB (Ticker symbol: RKTI).

In November of 2008, all domains of Rocketinfo and Rocketnew (.com, org, net) were acquired by Murray Owen LLC, a management consultant and web development company.

RocketNews Business Model:

As a premium news delivery service, RocketNews has developed a unique package of website services call Commercial News Posts. Commercial News Post are not the common banner or link type adds (ie Google ads), but informational posts that allow the advertiser to provide relevant information on company products or services in a news media style format, a news web post.

Development History of RocketNews

An RSS Pioneer

Rocketinfo’s technology was originally developed to provide intelligent software tools that index, categorize and extract key concepts and data from current news and business information.

These automated tasks enabled early adaptation of RSS (Real Simple Syndication) and Atom feeds for personalized multi-channel delivery via news portals, emails, opt-in newsletters or alerts to recipients’ desktops or mobile wireless devices.

A Showcase News Website

In order to showcase the search result accuracy, the low cost of deployment and scalability of the technologies, Rocketinfo launched RocketNews in October 2000. RocketNews was one of the first current news search engines on the Internet (www.rocketnews.com). Powered by Rocket’s core search technology, the site provided a web-driven breaking news portal updated every 15 minutes. Users were able to search for news from 16,000 Internet news sites, using a combination of advanced Boolean expressions and parametric controls. RocketNews handles several million search requests a month, using a cluster of Intel-based Dell servers. Calculated over one year, the cost per search request, including equipment and network connectivity, was approximately 0.0001875 cents, a benchmark in cost per search delivery model for the time.  Early news releases on RocketNews speak to the scope of RocketNews search functionality – Businesswire.

From 2009 to Now

With the commoditization of RSS feed services and applications, and acquisition of RocketNews in 2009 by Murray Owen LLC and associated domains, the website has been broaden to include a wider range of news sources and categories (i.e. Religion, Jobs, Energy), blogging and interactive features, a new web look and feel, and the capability for citizen journalist and business to participate in web posting.

Citizen journalist and business are welcome to contact the Rocketnews.com for more information on services provided.


Rocketnews is a general interest headline news website containing headline news and articles about a wide variety of subjects. Some of the articles are sponsored by advertisers and RocketNews may receive monetary compensation from the 3rd parties mentioned in these articles.

The products and services discussed on this website are the property of their third party respective owners. RocketNews does not make any representations regarding the use of such products and your individual results may vary from the experiences described on the articles in the RocketNews website.

Because RocketNews does not manufacture or sell the products or services discussed on the website, it is important that to review all the information on the linked websites including their terms and conditions and privacy policies. When you click on one of the links on our website, you will be redirected to the owners of these products or services.

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors and forum participants on RocketNews do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the RocketNews or official policies of the RocketNews.

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