Questions to Ask Your Surgeon Before LASIK Treatment

by | Jan 29, 2020 | Health Featured

If you’re one of the millions of people who wear glasses or contact lenses to correct your vision, it may be time for a change! People across the globe are ditching their prescription corrective lenses after discovering LASIK eye surgery, and it’s never been safer or simpler to undergo a LASIK procedure! However, as with any surgical treatment, there are probably questions you want to ask your LASIK surgeon before you schedule your laser eye surgery. Here are some of the most commonly-asked questions about LASIK, along with their answers. Be sure to get detailed information from your LASIK surgeon prior to treatment so you know exactly what to expect.

Is age a factor when it comes to LASIK treatment?

While age isn’t necessarily a factor of successful treatment results, some LASIK surgeons feel that people between 25-55 years of age make the most ideal candidates for the procedure. According to Oklahoma City LASIK specialists ClearSight, both older and younger patients have also been known to experience high levels of success; however, the treatment is only FDA-approved for people over 18 years of age.

Will the results of my LASIK surgery last for life?

It’s always possible that you may need to be retreated in years to come since eyes continue to age right along with the rest of your body. However, a number of patients who have undergone LASIK treatment report a significant improvement in their vision for years after their surgery. Your LASIK surgeon can give you a better idea of how long you can potentially expect results to last following your initial exam.

I can’t miss much work. How long will it take me to recover from LASIK treatment?

It can take several weeks to fully recover, and several months to experience the full benefits of your LASIK treatment. Generally speaking, however, you will be able to see well enough to perform everyday tasks after just a couple of days.

I’m diabetic. Does that rule me out as a LASIK candidate?

Unfortunately, diabetes and other conditions such as autoimmune diseases, eye disease, and certain eye injuries may reduce your viability as a LASIK candidate. Your LASIK surgeon can let you know for sure whether you are eligible for LASIK treatment following your comprehensive initial consultation exam.

LASIK treatment gives you the opportunity to restore your vision and see the world clearly, without the aid of glasses or contacts. Take time to discuss the procedure in detail with your LASIK surgeon and ask him or her questions prior to your treatment so you can feel confident and relaxed about your decision to undergo LASIK laser eye surgery.

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