ConnectPal’s Business Model Comes at Opportune Time

by | Sep 23, 2016 | Technology Featured

Over the past decade, innovation in media and entertainment has caused online content creation to skyrocket.


With the constant evolution of smartphones and tablet technology, it is safe to say digital products and services have become an integral component of our daily lives.

Advancements in technology in recent years have also fundamentally changed the way we consume content forever.

The days of ‘one-way media’, like print and broadcast venues, have shifted into platforms like social media sites that allow audiences to be highly interactive with content creators.

These shifts in technology and delivery have only encouraged the explosion of content creation. Today, millions of people are creating content on a broad range of topics and connecting to audiences through numerous platforms.

While every user of digital content brings value, the challenge for creators remains in monetizing that value.

“Monetizing digital content is hardly a new challenge. Several studies have proven today’s readers enjoy fresh news, but don’t want to have to pay for it. So, what’s the most effective way for a publisher to stay profitable?” said Sachin Kamdar, CEO and co-founder of, a leading provider of audience insights for digital publishers.

“The industry is in a state of flux, but writers, editors, site managers and technologist are working diligently to find solutions.

According to Kamdar, there is no denying an increase in online content creators.

“, alone, has seen nearly 200 new digital publishing clients sign on since this time last year,” said Kamdar.

According to the WIPRO Council for Industry Research, a global information technology, consulting and outsourcing company, the key to monetizing content is experimenting with different models.

“Publishers have begun to realize that ‘traditional’ digital content monetization approaches are under pressure due to various economic, social and technological factors within and outside the publishing industry. Therefore, the key to successfully monetize their content is to experiment with different models and constantly evolve.”

One of the models gaining momentum with today’s content creators is ConnectPal, a content marketplace that empowers any person or group to produce content for an audience and make money off of that content.

With no associated start up fees, ConnectPal’s business model is quickly becoming the world’s most popular content marketplace.

ConnectPal works similar to social media sites, allowing users to upload audio, video, photos or documents, but then allows the user to set a monthly price for the audience to access that content.

Today, ConnectPal is providing a venue for YouTube creators, radio hosts, musicians, charities, business consultants, athletes, teachers and fitness experts to connect with their audience while at the same time monetizing their content.

Creating and producing digital content for any audience is no easy feat and as the online landscape continues to grow and change, it is vital for creators to forge new paths and venues that will allow them to monetize content and evolve alongside the online world.

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