The Top Ways to Help you get Through your Dissertation

by | May 15, 2017 | Education Feature

No one has ever said that university is easy. While there may be less pressure in your first and second years to obtain the highest marks, when it comes to your final year of study this pressure can mount and many students find it difficult to cope. The climax to your university degree generally comes in two parts – your exams and your dissertation. If you find yourself wondering how you can make it through that stressful and sleep-deprived time in your life where you are working towards your dissertation deadline, then you have come to the right place. Here are some tried and tested ways in which many students have said to have been able to survive their dissertations – take note!

Have a break

Even when you feel like time is running away and the pressure is piled on, it is always important to take breaks and give your body time to relax. By eating well and exercising you will be better equipped to focus on your work. Your brain will thank you for it.

Visualise the end

It can be all too easy to lose your train of thought and end up getting lost in your work. By taking the time to check that your latest completed chapter/paragraph etc. relates back to your overall argument, you will find that your end goal and overall point becomes much clearer. The end is near – you just need to put the whole concept into perspective.


Sleep is crucial for our bodies as it allows us rest and recuperate from a hard day’s work at the library! Sleep is also known for improving your concentration and cognitive function, so why not let your dreams help you to make sense of any stressful conundrums that you may have experienced in the day?

Seek assignment help

If you ever find yourself in desperate need of assignment help and are unsure of who to turn to for help, then rest assured with the knowledge that there are online assignment writing services available for you to make the most of. Services like those offered by The Uni Tutor are ready and waiting to help those who are finding it a challenge to handle the pressure of Uni dissertations.

Create separate spaces for work and play

The great thing about university is that there is a lot of space for you to use when it comes to doing your work- the campus is specifically designed for this purpose. Make sure that you utilise as much of it as possible in order to help you focus on getting your work done. You need to create a space that puts you in a working frame of mind as opposed to trying to write your dissertation in bed where you might be tempted to procrastinate. By creating a clear differentiation between your ‘work space’ and your ‘rest space’ you are far more likely to be efficient and proactive in your work.


Regardless of how many social occasion offerings you receive to tempt you to remove yourself from getting your work done, do not take them! Prioritise the week for completing your dissertation and leave the partying for the weekend!

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