Coping with Injury While You’re on Vacation

by | Aug 9, 2017 | Travel Featured

Vacations are supposed to be the best time of your life. But an accident can always happen, and it could ruin your vacation. By being prepared, you can handle any injury that comes your way. Here are a few ways you should deal with an injury while you’re traveling.

  1. Be prepared

The best way to cope with injury is to be prepared before you take your vacation. Here are a few tips to help you stay prepared:

-Get travel health insurance

If you plan on taking a vacation in the US, you don’t need to worry about additional insurance. But if you go overseas, you may need health insurance. Most plans don’t offer coverage outside of the US; you need travel insurance to take care of that. Call your insurance provider to find out if you have any international coverage. If you don’t consider getting a travel health insurance plan. The cost is low, and it can protect you if you face an injury.

-Keep your IDs handy

Whether you travel in country or abroad, you should keep your IDs on hand. In the US, be sure to have your driver’s license on you at all times. You should also have your insurance cards and a list of your providers. With your phone, take pictures of all forms of ID. If anything happens to your wallet, you’ll have the photos as a back-up. For an overseas trip, do the same with your passport.

-Know the local hospitals

Before you travel somewhere, find out where the hospitals and urgent care centers are located. In the case of an emergency, you’ll know where to go. Be sure to also know the phone number for emergency services. It’s 911 in the US, but varies from country to country.

  1. Write down everything after the accident

If you’ve been a victim of personal injury, you need to document everything. Take pictures at the scene of the incident and speak to witnesses. Write down the witness statements and take their names and contact information. You should also record the time of the event and give a detailed account. It’s hard to remember everything. The longer you wait to record the event, the more distorted  your memory may be. Keep a very detailed account, and a lawyer may be able to build a strong case for you.

  1. Keep track of your bills

If you are a victim of personal injury, you should keep track of all your bills. And keep track of any expenses you incurred because of the injury. For example, you may need to cancel your flight and book a new ticket home. This can cost hundreds of dollars. Keep track of every detail. When you do decide to take legal action, this information can help you determine how much money you are owed. A personal injury lawyer can use this information to help you.

  1. Get a lawyer

Victims of personal injury don’t need to handle the situation on their own. You can call a lawyer for help. Whether you were injured overseas or in the US, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you. Morris, King & Hodge, P.C can get the job done.

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