How to write a book if you’re a student?

by | Aug 29, 2017 | Education Feature

Being a student means having a lot of time and a lot of opportunities to change your life forever. You can start doing whatever you wish if you like it or if you feel inspired and motivated by someone else. In this article, we’ll consider the desire to write a book. We’ll give you a few tips on where to start and how not to stop somewhere in the middle of your way. Scroll down to read the whole story or stop only at the points that you like.

Start writing essays

When you’re a student, you have a great chance to master your writing skills. So why not use the task to write an essay as the basement for your future book. Your essay can become an example of a well-prepared story as you can find at Just devote all your time to the task and you will see your ability to create a unique piece of writing. If you invent a new story that no one has written before, you will succeed.

Here are some tips that will help you to get the most from writing the essays:

  • Write down the most compelling thoughts and ideas somewhere separately;
  • Learn to express your thought in different ways;
  • Learn to express your thoughts in short sentences;
  • Learn to avoid wateriness and unnecessary words and phrases.

Make the outline for the book

An outline is a detailed plan of what you will write in the book. If you begin to write a novel without the plan, you’re likely to get lost in your ideas and stop writing somewhere in the middle. You can make up a plan in any form that will be useful and comfortable for you. You can draw a sketch of your book or you can write down the items of a standard plan. Or you can mix everything together. Start the plan with the title of the book. Make it compelling and interesting for your future readers.

The next step will be writing down the sections of the book and providing a title for each of them. Divide each section into paragraphs and find the names for them as well. You can draw little pictures next to each item of the plan or you can write short descriptions instead. The last step of writing the outline will be making up a short summary of the whole book. Write from five to ten sentences that will represent the plot of the book.

Develop your style

If you plan to write more than one book and you want the readers to recognize your texts, you should develop your personal style of narration. It can be anything that other writers use in their books or you can invent something new. Don’t worry if you decide to borrow some style elements from the texts of other people. If you have no idea how to make your text look and sound different, remember the stories that you like the most. It can be using passive voice, some specific pronouns or lack of adjectives.

If you have a text and you just want to fill it with some stylistic features, take a look at the following things:

  • Remove or add emotionally colored adjectives;
  • Remove or add definite articles;
  • Use or don’t use pronouns;
  • Start or finish every chapter with the same phrase;
  • Use metaphors, parallelism, and other stylistic tricks;
  • Use vocabulary not to repeat one word more than ten times in the whole text.

Evaluate your story

Of course, you will like the text that you have written yourself. But what about the readers. Why should they admire your piece of writing? What’s so special in your plot? What can make people buy your book and advise it for their friends? Think of the answers to these questions long before you even start writing the first line. If you plan to sell the book, you should learn a bit of marketing to know how to promote it and even how to find a great title for it.

Besides evaluating the plot itself you should evaluate how easy it’s to read the text. To do this, start reading it aloud and highlight the places where you slow down to take a breath or you start mixing words. You can record your reading and listen to it for several times. It’s always good to take a look at yourself from another angle to evaluate your work in the most precise way.

Plan your writing

Take a calendar and define the number of words you should write every day. It may seem uninteresting at all or even boring, but you should realize that writing a book is a hard task. So be ready to spend all your time, patience on the process. Don’t try to do more than you can, set little goals for every day and mark them as completed. You can set one day to be the day off to have some rest or think of new directions in your story. If you let yourself have rest for a few days without a proper plan for the future, you’re likely not to come back to writing anymore.

The worst problem that many writers face is that they don’t believe in their success and they procrastinate with writing the task. A daily routine can turn writing the most exciting story into a terrible nightmare, but you should be ready for the thing that you will hate your book. However, if you overcome this feeling and you write down at least a few lines, you will soon come back to the normal workflow. Just accept that such cases exist and be ready for them. If you follow our advice from this article, you will definitely write your first super great book before you graduate from college.

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