If a Student Needs Help with Writing College Papers: What to Do

by | Dec 19, 2017 | Education Feature

Signs a Student Needs Help With College Papers (and What to Do)

Writing college papers is a difficult assignment when you are not trained on it. It requires a lot of skill. For you to gain these skills, you have to do a lot of practice. You also have to read many sample college papers and try to write down your own. Through thorough practice and the right attitude, writing college papers becomes a simple assignment. Not all students know how to write college papers, and those who do not know need help. The following are signs that a student needs help with college papers.

Cannot translate their thoughts into text

Most times our opinions are right in our minds. We know what we are supposed to write. We have all the points at our fingertips. But when we sit down to put it in a paper, we get blank. We do not know how to pen down our thoughts. This is a major problem for some students. They are bright, they have understood what is expected of them, but they do not have the needed skills to write it down.

Cannot sort out credible and questionable sources

When writing college papers, you have to do a lot of research. Nowadays, there are a vast amount of research materials. They range from internet sources to library books. One must be very careful when looking for sources to use during writing college papers. The authenticity of such material requires someone who thoroughly understands this. Use of incredible sources can mess up the writing.

Do not know how to start

Writing college samples is not only about putting down ideas. You have to know how those ideas are put down to create flow in the paper. The flow begins with how you start your paper. It should have a captivating introduction to catch reader’s attention. There are several ways to start your paper. If a student is not able to start a paper, then they need help to start writing.

Do not know how to organize a paper

An essay like any other type of writing has a format. We have the introduction, body and the conclusion. Therefore before you write, you plan yourself and the points down. Then organize what will be in each of the parts. This makes the essay flow very easily. Once you start writing, it will be easy to write down all points.

Do not know to provide strong arguments and proofs

To write a very good essay, you have to write down your points and argue them out with proofs. This way you will be defending your points. It also adds weight to them. Writing down points only without proof and arguments render the essay thin and vague. It is also not very easy to understand such essays. To earn maximum points, a student must argue out points very well.

If a student realizes that they have any of the above characteristics, then they should find ways to solve the problem. The following are such ways.

What to Do: Ask your instructor or peers

You never learn unless you ask questions. Each day is an opportunity to learn. When you have a problem with writing, you may ask your instructor. The instructor will give you a guide on how to go about it. This will open up your mind. You may do a few exercises and present it to them for correction. If the instructor is unreliable, you can ask your peers. This way you learn.

Find actionable methods of boosting writing skills

There are lots of online materials that can give you tips on how to improve your writing skills. You should check out for such materials. Listen to audios and read different articles that deal with this. This way you can pick out the most important points and use them to grow your skills on writing college essays.

Find edu sites that you can rely on

We have highlighted that most students do not know how to differentiate genuine and questionable sources. To improve your writing skills, go through a lot of college papers and pick out a few sources that you can rely on. This way you will be using these sources in writing your articles.

Use college paper samples as examples

The easiest way to learn something is by looking at it. College paper samples can help you write very good essays yourself. You can find them on different sites which provide essay writing help, such as essayzoo.org. You just have to go through a lot of them and find out the trick in them. Most of these papers will have a common trait which you can use to write your college papers. Most of these samples are readily available online.

Know what is expected of you

Before starting any assignment, know what is expected of you. This way you can be sure that you are answering the right question. Ensure you read the question well. Understand it well before you start answering it. This way you can be sure that you are doing the right thing.


To do something successfully, you should have the right energy and attitude to do it. For writing, it requires a lot of patience. Every step is a learning process. Hence the student must be willing to learn in order to improve their skills.

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