Top Rules for Creating an Effective PowerPoint Presentation

by | Dec 6, 2017 | Education Feature

Effective PowerPoint presentation is the key aspect of reaching the audience and delivering the message. It is a visual tool that has a strong power. In order to create a good presentation, you need to have a sense of style and basic technical skills. The presentation with bad visual experience is a dead end, no matter how many times it has been rehearsed. There are a lot of useful websites on how to prepare a successful presentation. Here is the main ideas that might help you:

Basic Rules on Creating an Effective Presentation

  • Use ready-made templates. No matter what topic of your presentation is, you can always find ready-made templates online. And if you need a specific brochure template you can make a special order by indicating your specifications.
  • Presenting one idea at a time. Presentation must be well-planned. That means things you are telling about are revealed one at a time with the help of bullet points.

It is recommended to avoid including too much text in one slide. Avoid complete sentences, quotations, and heavy paragraphs. It is best when a slide contains maximum 5 lines of simple statements. However, it is important to remember that slides are not speaker’s notes.

  • Paragraph absence. Remember that slides are the illustration of the message that you are delivering. It is not the presentation itself but plenty of people do not understand the difference. PowerPoint only reinforces what you are saying.
  • Design – slide transition and sound effects. Sound effects and transitions can distract attention and create a negative effect instead of positive. It is even worse when transition works much slower on computer than in original PowerPoint presentation. It will have an awful effect.

Dark text must be put on light background while decorative fonts are used for headings and only those that are easy to read. The same font must be used for all heading. Lagers fonts can be used only to emphasize the importance.  Avoid bright unreadable colours like yellow, orange or light blue.  The amount of colours also should be limited – no more than 4 colours in single chart.

  • Images. Using images in PowerPoint presentation does not mean using built-in clip art. In fact, it might be not a very good idea as most things from office 2003 have been seen a hundred times. Used clichés will be boring and not original. If you use images, especially those that have been taken from the Internet, make sure they are of good quality.  Alternatively, if you’re trying to showcase points of data cluster density, instead of numbers on a sheet, create a heat map using an online heat mapping tool. Vivid images will surely deliver your point across much more effectively than any pie charts or simple numbers laid out.
  • Avoid reading. If you have problems with giving speeches in front of a big audience, then you need to rehearse. Remember that PowerPoint presentation is not the actual presentation. This is just a supportive tool. The actual presentation is the verbal presenting, which is focused on interaction with the audience.

Good preparation is the key to your success. Following the above-mentioned advice will greatly help you with preparing good presentation and presenting it to the audience.

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