The Real Reasons Why Students Decide on Using Essay Writing Services

by | Jan 30, 2018 | Education Feature


When people talk about essay writing services, they usually take a sort of negative stance. Most people think of them as an easy way for students to get away from hard work. But, is that really the truth? Maybe the problem is not in the students, but in the tasks they get?

“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it!” – The famous quote by Bill Gates makes us wonder whether hard work is always the best option. Some people simply come up with their own ways of bypassing the obstacles.

Rather than spending hours working on a boring topic, some students decide to let the others do it from them, while they invest their time in something they find more productive.

Who Buys Essays Online?

According to a former employee of a prestigious American essay writing service, most of their clients are not students with bad grades. In fact, it seems that the good students are those who often buy essays online. The reason is not that they’re lazy. In fact, the truth is just the opposite!

Those students who have a lot of obligations often decide to outsource those tasks that take a lot of time, while not bringing much in return. Rather than wasting their time on things that don’t matter much, the students decide to focus on things they believe can actually benefit their education.

Another reason why students decide on buying papers online is that it’s a guarantee they will pass. In the last couple of decades, education has become a real industry, focused on making money, rather than providing valuable education to the students. For some students who receive scholarships based on their academic performances, failure is not an option. Rather than risking their future, some of them decide on using the services of professionals in the same manner of  how to get a replacement social security card when your really need it.

Unfortunately, most college professors don’t share the views of the students. For most of them, buying essays online is basically the same as plagiarizing. Whether this is true or not is up to debate, but there’s one thing everyone agrees on – an educational system that makes the students buy papers online can’t be good.

Is There a Solution?

According to the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa), the education in English-speaking countries is not on a very high level. With the except of Australia and New Zealand, Anglophone countries are ranked very poorly in terms of science, literacy, and numeracy.

Another proof that the education system in those countries needs change is the fast growth of custom-writing sites that the students use for writing MA thesis, research papers, essays, as well as many other tasks. Even though the penalties are hard for getting caught cheating, some students still decide on taking the risk.

But should they be the only ones to take the blame? Rather than going on a witch hunt against students who use an essay writing service, perhaps the solution lies in making the educational system better! And if you are good in writing, consider the remote writing jobs  at Jooble.


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