ICY Digital for Strategic Digital Web Development with Blogger Outreach

by | Feb 20, 2018 | Business Feature

With substantial emerge of social media marketing, every business owner should adopt the best digital strategies to make sure their business is growing on the right track. Having a website isn’t the end of the effort. Instead, it is only a start. The website should be well developed using all the necessary strategies to reach out the public and potential customers. In this case, what many agencies and companies has been doing is cooperate with a group of social media influencers of bloggers to help promoting the brand, companies and products. Known as blogger outreach, it has been proven very beneficial for the companies’ and agencies development.

Reaching Out To Bloggers

Some people may assume blogger outreach as simple thing to do, contact a blogger and ask him to promote the brand. But, it’s not that simple. Companies cannot contact just any bloggers without knowing their influence, identity and popularity among the visitors. So, it takes a really good planning for the blogger outreach to be successful. The ICY digital agency knows it very well that this agency always has a really good planning for a successful blogger outreach. For instance, the first thing to do is to identify the bloggers in order to find the right ones. Then, start communication with potential bloggers in personalized manner. Tell them the offers and requests for them to do. It is important to build good and professional relationship with them.

Criterion for Outreaching

ICY Digital works based on certain criterion for outreaching to make sure it provides the best and desired result. It is important to make sure the bloggers are capable to provide positive outcomes after being paid. The criterion may include some of these basic things: is the blog updated by the blogger? Does the blog receive good respond from people? How many followers do the bloggers have on social media? How big of interest are people to subscribe? Does the blog have high domain authority? Find out all those answers and use them to consider whether or not the bloggers fulfill the criteria.

Once you have set the important criterion for blogger outreach, it is time for you to find the bloggers by using the available tools. For instance, the Buzzsumo makes one of the best tools that help to list the top influencers and bloggers based on the shares of their content across the network. Another recommended tool is Alltop which provides access to list of top blogs based on niches. Some of the tools are free and some are not.

Benefits from Blogger Outreach

In terms of benefits, companies and agencies definitely gain a lot. The blogger outreach helps them to fulfill so many purposes. For product promotion for instance, the bloggers can help by writing a thorough detailed review regarding the products to outreach potential customers. As an exchange, the bloggers get paid for what they do. In the last several years, so many companies and agencies have been enjoying enormous advantages from blogger outreach that their companies have been developing rapidly because of it.

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