7 common problems to watch for with a new chemical supplier

by | Mar 19, 2018 | Energy Feature

Chemicals play a very important role in almost every industry. For example, nearly all manufacturers use some type of chemical at some point in the production process. It is important for businesses to understand that not all chemical suppliers are the same and choosing the wrong one can be a very costly and time-consuming error.

To avoid these issues, it is vital to select the right chemical supplier right from the start. Here’s a look at seven common problems to watch for when choosing the right chemical supplier for your company.

1.Poor Quality of Product

Not all chemicals are made of the same quality and choosing a chemical supplier that offers poor quality products can tarnish your brand reputation dramatically. Always, thoroughly check the supplier you are considering working with and make sure they have a stellar reputation. Specifically, check their reputation for the type of chemicals your company needs. For example, if your company requires gold catalysts, research the quality the supplier offers for that specific type of chemical.

2.Inconsistent Supply Capacity

The last thing you want to do is to take the time to select a chemical supplier only to learn later that the supplier cannot keep up with your demand. You want to make sure that the supplier can not only keep up with your current supply needs but one that also can increase the supply level as your company expands.

3.High Shipping Costs

Never finish negotiations with your chemical supplier without talking about shipping and delivery costs. Depending on the type of chemicals required, shipping costs can be rather high because they require special handling. You want to make sure that shipping costs are included in the quoted price or that estimated shipping and handling costs are provided for you. This will provide you with better information to compare suppliers.

4.Lack of Industry Experience

Just because a supplier offers that type of chemicals your company requires does not mean that they have experience working with companies within your specific industry. Depending on how your company uses the chemicals, you may require specialized packaging. You must make sure that the supplier not only offers the type of chemicals you need but that they also can deliver them in the manner in which your specific industry requires.

5. No Customized Services

Not all chemical suppliers are flexible enough to offer customized services, but you want to find one that does. Even if your company is not at the point where it needs customization, you may in the future. You can eliminate the need to search for another supplier when that time comes by choosing one that offers customization right from the start.

6. Limited Green Alternatives

There is a big push for green alternatives today, and the chemical supply industry is no exception. Even if your industry has not been affected much by various EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations, there is no telling what the future will bring. In addition, more consumers today than ever before are seeking out green solutions. You can avoid compliance issues and build your brand by working with a supplier that offers an array of green alternatives.

7. Poor Customer Service

Things change so rapidly when it comes to chemical supply needs that it is imperative that you work with a responsive supplier. Before you even place your first order make sure you know who to call with any problems, concerns and supply changes and stay clear of any supplier that can’t offer this level of services. This step will save you a lot of headaches in the future if an issue with your chemical supplies were to occur.

It is important to understand common problems companies have with suppliers so you can avoid working with a supplier can’t offer the high level of services you need. Taking the time to make sure you select the right supplier right from the start will save you a lot of time, money and headache in the future.

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