How to write essays in English like a professional

by | Apr 6, 2018 | Education Feature

Many times in the course of our lives, we have had to write essays, either at school, at university or even as professionals. An essay is about expressing our opinion on a specific topic, in which a coherent text must be developed, pleasant to read and with good content that supports our ideas.

Writing essays in English can be a bit difficult, since not being our mother tongue, we often have trouble getting the right words to express ourselves and even make a few spelling mistakes, but this is normal and with lots of practice every time it will be easier to write in English.

That is why we have made a list of the steps to follow when making an essay, and include some phrases and words that will help you to write it easily.

But first, what makes a good trial?

– It should be aimed at persuading readers of an idea based on evidence.
– You must answer a question.
– It must have an argument.
– He must present or discuss something, that is, he must develop a hypothesis through the reasoning of related ideas and evidence.
– You must include relevant examples, that is, evidence that supports your research and information from academic texts or another reliable source.

Now that you have read the essentials of a good essay, here we leave you the steps to write one:


Begin this process looking for information related to the topic to be developed. You can do this online, in the academic database and in the library. Make sure you identify the keywords you will focus on in developing the essay. Several years ago I often had difficulty in starting my essay. At that time I felt that I could not start anything in my attempt to write my essays until I understood that research is the first step of everything.


Your essay requires your own ideas, but many times we have so many that it is hard to define them. Making a scheme will help you to organize the structure of the work and thus your essay will have coherence. To put together the scheme, you can ask yourself a few questions and answer them.


The hypothesis is your main idea, summarized in a concise sentence that lets readers know where the essay is going and why.


Now yes, you must sit down to write. The introduction should attract the attention of the readers, establish the problem and guide them to your hypothesis.

Relevance is essential, you should not leave the subject. To achieve this, you must answer three questions: what will you talk about in the essay, how will you approach the topic and what will you try with the essay?

The body

This consists of several paragraphs where the topic will be developed. Each idea should focus on supporting the hypothesis and should be presented together and coherently forming different paragraphs. Support the statements with evidence and expose your ideas as clearly as possible.

It is important to mention that all ideas are correctly cited throughout the text, followed by a page containing bibliographic references, where details of the work or information taken to perform the essay are given.


In a paragraph, summarize the final opinion you reached based on the arguments described earlier in the body of the essay.

Check and correct

You can not finish the essay without first correcting the grammar, since the sentences must be fluent. Incorporate rhythm, emphasize important points, formality is important. Remember that English is full of orthographic traps, such as “right or write”, “there or their”, “your or you’re” and it is very easy to get confused and make mistakes when writing.

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