Does Baby Formula Contain Gluten?

by | Nov 24, 2021 | Health Featured

The baby formula plays one of the most important roles in the development of the immature kid’s organism. It is favorably distinguished by its high nutritional value – dietary fiber, carbohydrates, fats, vegetable proteins, many vitamins, and minerals. However, you should select a formula for a kid with extreme caution, since in addition to all useful ingredients, there can be gluten in the contents. One of the highest quality baby formulas that are 100% gluten-free is HiPP Dutch 2.  HiPP Dutch Formula is formulated with premium ingredients.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a vegetable protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. It is harmless for toddlers and adults, but for babies under one year old, it can be dangerous because it may cause an allergic reaction. That is why gluten-containing baby food is introduced into the diet no earlier than 6-8 months. There is also a complete intolerance to this protein called celiac disease.

On the other side, gluten contains amino acids important for vital functions. For example, lysine is responsible for the growth of bones. Threonine supports digestive processes. Methionine is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Gluten also contains phosphorus, calcium, vitamins A, E, and group B.

Gluten allergy symptoms

An allergic reaction to gluten has nothing to do with skin rashes. Moreover, the allergy signs can be noticeable only 2-3 weeks afterward. Symptoms of a gluten allergy are:

  • digestion issues
  • a child does not gain weight
  • changes in the nervous system (anxiety, nervousness, poor sleep)

When is gluten acceptable?

Up to six months of age, a bottle-fed baby should only have in its diet gluten-free milk formulas. All HiPP formula is gluten-free and great for kids from birth. This guarantees quality and safety, excluding the possibility of contact with gluten-containing food. When a baby reaches 6 months, it is better to start feeding with gluten-free cereals – rice, corn, and buckwheat to reduce the risk of developing celiac disease. Only these 3 types of cereals do not contain protein, which is difficult for the immature intestines of a child to assimilate.

Gluten in children’s nutrition is a quite acceptable ingredient, but optional, and sometimes even contraindicated. An exception may be cases when children have undergone a full examination. Therefore, you should not risk the health of your little one and follow the recommendations of specialists.

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