To boost early-stage growth, adopt a jobs-to-be-done approach to marketing – TechCrunch

by | May 13, 2022 | Jobs

Michael Popchuk

Michael Popchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the co-founder and CEO of Saldo Apps.

The jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) approach provides a framework for defining, categorizing, capturing and organizing all your customers’ needs.
It teaches us to think about users’ needs and develop a product to meet those needs. The framework also lets us communicate with the user through the lens of the tasks they seek to do, and stay focused on developing features that align with what they need.
Here are three ways an early-stage startup can use the JTBD framework for marketing:

Get initial organic traffic for the website.
Increase conversion of information pages.
Increase product virality.

How to employ JTBD at an early-stage SAAS
The startup I’m building aims to develop an ecosystem of apps for sales and accounting automation, each of which can solve a specific problem. These apps are integrated under the hood to enable customers to use other apps for related tasks.
For example, when a customer uses our invoice maker app, we’ll automatically extract the income and account receivables information into our personal finance app, should they opt-in. And if in the user needs to track mileage in the future, they can just download our Mileage Tracker app, and all their information will already be in there.
We employ the same approach to our marketing.
Optimize your website with JTBD keywords for SEO
To get traffic with a small budget, you should first analyze what your prospective users need to do, discover how they search for ways to do these tasks, and use those keywords on your website.
For example, instead of fighting for the “best invoice maker” keyword on SEO for our invoice maker app, we could use more direct search terms like “printable blank invoice” or …

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