Some employers easing degree requirements for jobs – The Hill

by | Nov 29, 2022 | Jobs

(NewsNation) — With more jobs than job seekers, some employers are changing the way they look at degree requirements.

In September, there were 10.7 million job openings but only 5.8 million job seekers. So, companies looking to fill roles have begun loosening requirements for high-paying jobs, including dropping requirements for degrees.

Career navigation specialist Tessa White said it’s all about supply and demand.

“If there aren’t enough people to fill the jobs, they’ve got to rethink how they fill them. So companies are open now to certificate programs, for example, or even training people to get people in the door and filling these jobs,” she told NewsNation.

White said practical experience and targeted certificate programs can qualify applicants for roles that may have traditionally required a four-year degree.

Of course, that doesn’t apply to all fields.

“There are some industries like the medical industry, teaching professions, where you have to pay to play. You pay to get that degree to even play the game. However, in corporate America, they’re starting to figure out what the trade schools have always known, which is you don’t necessarily have to have the four-year degree to be a wonderful employee,” White said.

That includes companies like Delta Air Lines and Google, who have reduced education requirements for some positions and focused more on skills and experience, according to The Wall Street Journal.

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