Governor Mills Announces $14 Million in Maine Jobs & Recovery Grants Awarded to Maine Forestry Companies | Office of Governor Janet T. Mills –

by | Dec 9, 2022 | Jobs

Second Round of Forestry Recovery Initiative Builds upon $6 Million Already AwardedGovernor Janet Mills announced today that 19 Maine forestry companies have been awarded grants totaling $14 million from the final round of the Forest Recovery Initiative of her Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan.

The $20 million Forest Recovery Initiative, announced by Governor Mills in November 2021, aims to support Maine’s forest products industry and the people it employs, create and sustain jobs in rural Maine, and strengthen the state’s economy. In March, the first round of awards provided financial relief to 219 forest products industry businesses that experienced negative impacts from the pandemic to help them sustain the viability of their business.

Awards made through the second and final round of the program will support forward-looking industry projects that address new market demands, provide new sustainable products, or otherwise advance the long-term stability of the forestry industry.

“Maine’s forest products industry is not only a key part of our state’s heritage, but also a cornerstone of our economic future. These grant awards will help Maine forestry companies on the cutting edge compete on the world stage,”said Governor Mills. “My administration will continue to work to ensure that our forest products sector remains strong for the years to come.”

“The Forest Recovery Initiative has already helped hundreds of Maine forestry businesses navigate the lasting impacts of the pandemic. Through Phase Two of the program, the Mills Administration is investing directly in the future of the sector and new uses for Maine wood fiber,” said Commissioner Amanda Beal of the Department …

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