Retirement Weekly: Moving is not fun. When you’re older, it’s even worse.

by | Dec 2, 2022 | Stock Market

Almost everyone who completes a move and settles into their new place sighs and says, “That’s the last time I’m moving.” There’s no research to prove that. But who doesn’t dread moving? It’s stressful from start to finish. And for older people, it’s even tougher.

They’ve got to prune their belongings, hire and manage movers and unpack in their new home. These tasks are emotionally and physically draining. “Moving when you’re 65 and above is usually not a welcome event,” said Tiffiny Lutz, marketing director at Caring Transitions, a Cincinnati-based firm that manages moves for seniors. For older retirees, moving often becomes an unwanted, anxiety-inducing necessity. A health scare, the loss of a spouse or loss of mobility may have forced their hand. Leaving familiar surroundings is hard enough. The fact that they’re likely moving from a comfortable house to a much smaller space creates another layer of difficulty and sadness. “They may have to get rid of a lot of their stuff,” Lutz said. “And their stuff relates to their memories. There are emotional aspects of letting go of things.” Move managers that specialize in senior relocation often help with downsizing. They can arrange auctions and estate sales as well as enli …

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