The Moneyist: ‘He wants to appease her’: My father’s long-term girlfriend, 20 years his junior, wants him to leave her his $1 million home. What should we do?

by | Dec 12, 2022 | Stock Market

Dear Quentin, My father in Arizona has been a very successful businessman throughout his life and has amassed quite a bit of wealth.   His home is currently written into a trust that will allow his long-time, live-in girlfriend, 20 years his junior, to live in the house all expenses paid until her death, while ownership still remains with my brother and me.  

Recently, she has begun to make it clear that she wishes to receive the house, currently valued at just over $1 million, in his will.   I can tell my dad is being cautious about this transaction, but he wants to appease her. Obviously, the fear is that once she assumes ownership, all other family will be without hope when it comes to staking any claim on the home. Is there a way to “give” her the house and then do a transfer-on-death of sorts so that it comes back to my brother and I once she passes? What’s the best way to handle this — and protect everyone involved? Guarded Daughter in …

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