Brett Arends’s ROI: The most unpopular portfolio in America wins in 2022 — again

by | Jan 18, 2023 | Stock Market

Yes, Pariah Capital has beaten Wall Street. Yet again. Before fees, too. Oh, and we’re willing to make a semi-serious bet we will do it again in 2023.

Pariah Capital is the exclusive free money advice service offered to our readers by MarketWatch. To reach our target asset allocation for the year ahead, we tap the finest minds in all of money management. We scour the world to listen to the really big honchos—the M.B.A., CFA, Ph.D. types managing the world’s biggest, richest, and most powerful pension funds, sovereign-wealth funds and other major institutions. We listen to what The Best of The Best Of The Best (” With Honors!”) are doing. Then we do the exact opposite. We bet on the investments they like the least. The ones they are shunning. Hence the name Pariah Capital. We invest only in assets that are absolute anathema to your top money managers. Actually, to do this we cheat a little. We just check in with the invaluable global fund manager survey conducted monthly by BofA Securities, the artist formerly known as Merrill Lynch. Investment strategist Michael Hartnett and his team do all the hard work. They survey hundreds of top money managers around the world every month. People handling hundreds of billions of dollars in assets. And, helpfully, the surveys always reveal where …

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