I’ve helped hundreds of people land 6-figure salaries. Here’s why you’re getting job interviews—but no offers – CNBC

by | Jan 30, 2023 | Jobs

As a career coach who has helped hundreds of people land six-figure jobs, I’ve found that most job seekers actually are qualified for the job that they want.But when it comes time for the job interview, they’ll exhibit nervous body language, or babble out words that don’t say anything meaningful at all.It’s important to identify your stumbling blocks so that you can present yourself in the best light. Here’s why you may be getting interviews, but no offers — and what to do about it:1. You look desperate.Have you ever thought “I really need this job” before an interview? Maybe you recently got laid off and need the money. It happens.But interviewers can detect desperation. Remind yourself that not getting an offer doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Instead of only focusing on what you can get from the job, explain why you would be a valuable addition to the company.For example,What not to say: “I was laid off, and this role checks all my boxes.”What to say instead: “Getting laid off gave me the time to step back and find positions like this one, where I can make a real impact in building a sales team. This is exactly when I’ve done in the past six years.”2. Your self-doubt shows.If you feel uncertain about your abilities, you’re more likely to speak with a nervous, indecisive tone, or have anxious body language, such as hunched shoulders and crossed arms.Build your confidence by preparing at least three skills and three accomplishments to talk about. Practice speaking with conviction about your expertise, and why it makes you qualified for the role.For example,What not to say: “I was promoted in 2021 to a director role, which surprised and humbled me.”What to say: “I was promoted in 2021 from senior manager to director thanks to my team’s 100% year-over-year growth in re …

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