Outside the Box: This one simple habit can cut your risk of dementia

by | Jan 14, 2023 | Stock Market

I recently wrote about things we can do to protect our finances in the event we suffer cognitive decline. This may not be anybody’s favorite subject, but it’s an important one.  Many of us have firsthand experience with the ravages of dementia. It can upend a carefully crafted retirement plan and necessitate costly medical care. Like many of my friends and colleagues, I’d like to know if there are things I can do to prevent or forestall the onset of mental decline.

Read: The new rules of aging well involve small but mighty daily decisions Harvard Medical School published an article listing six factors that may help prevent cognitive decline:
Engage in regular exercise.

Eat a Mediterranean diet emphasizing fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.

Limit alcohol consumption to about one drink per day.

Get quality sleep. Seven to eight hours per night is optimal.

Get mental stimulation. Reading, writing, puzzles, card or board games, group discussions and playing music were mentioned.

Find some form of regular social engagement.

A friend’s mother suffered from severe Alzheimer’s disease. He was concerned that this might increase his risk, and he expressed this concern to his doctor at an annual checkup. The doct …

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