The Moneyist: ‘I grew up poor’: My wife and I have a $1.2 million real-estate portfolio and $250,000 invested in stocks. Are we financially secure enough to start a family?

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Stock Market

Dear Quentin, My wife and I have been married for 12 years, and have not started a family yet, with the exception to our two Labradors. We both are in finance, and have several years of technical experience in our professions.

We have a $1.3 million dollar real-estate portfolio that has positive cash flow, and have a $125,000 investment portfolio that would be labeled by professionals as very aggressive, along with retirement accounts that exceed $100,000 and are invested in low-cost index funds. I am beginning to experience work fatigue, and don’t think I want to sustain the mental drain furthermore. We want to start a family and thought planning this stage of our life would be easier, but now, at times it feels like we are behind in building wealth for our future generations, as well as creating the next generation. We have been told “there is no perfect time to start a family,” but it is starting to feel like that time is now coincidentally. We want to be as active as possible with our future children’s development, and feel fortunate enough that we could have one of us home full time and sustain our current lifestyle. …

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