Fix My Portfolio: My ex and I went through a terrible divorce five years ago, but didn’t settle our kids’ college expenses. How do I make him pay his share?

by | Nov 29, 2023 | Stock Market

Got a question about Series I bonds or other fixed-income investing, how it fits into your overall financial plan, and what strategies can help you make the most out of your money? You can write me at [email protected].   Dear Fix My Portfolio,  My awful divorce was finalized in 2018, but there’s a lot still left unresolved. I have…

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Got a question about Series I bonds or other fixed-income investing, how it fits into your overall financial plan, and what strategies can help you make the most out of your money? You can write me at [email protected].   Dear Fix My Portfolio,  My awful divorce was finalized in 2018, but there’s a lot still left unresolved. I have…

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