Modesto Car Accident Study

by | May 24, 2024 | Health Featured

A recent study analyzed the car accidents in the city of Modesto and the surrounding cities in Stanislaus County. The findings give in sight to the most dangerous days and times to drive in the Modesto area. They also serve as a warning to all drivers. Traffic accidents are common and can happen to anyone. Knowing the statistics helps you better understand the traffic dangers in these counties.

Average Traffic Accidents

Modesto experienced 1,282 injury causing accidents in 2023. The following represent the average number of accidents that resulted in serious injury or death each of the previous five years in Modesto and surrounding cities:

  • Modesto: 104.8
  • Turlock: 26.8
  • Ceres: 16.8
  • Oakdale: 7.2
  • Stanislaus County: 66.4

Modesto’s accident total is relatively modest for the population center of the county. Still, the goal is to eliminate accidents altogether.

Traffic Accident Causes

Motor vehicle accidents have multiple causes. Those occurring in Stanislaus County are no exception. While it’s impossible to identify the exact reasons for the yearly accident total, the following probably played a part.

  • Driving under the influence
  • Texting and driving
  • Speeding and other reckless behaviors
  • Failure to yield to cyclists and pedestrians
  • Incorrect lane changes
  • Falling asleep while driving

Weather and poor road conditions are also contributing factors as well as a city’s unique traffic.

Accident Times

Modesto drivers are more at risk during a specific time of day. Afternoon drive time, 3 pm to 6 pm is the riskiest time to be on Modesto roads. The day of the week is also significant. Friday, the start of the weekend, is the most dangerous day, followed by Monday and Tuesday. The safest days on county roads is Saturday and Sunday when the numbers drop meaningfully.

Fatal Accidents

The worst result of a motor vehicle accident is a fatality. Sadly, Stanislaus County has suffered 83 fatalities during that time period, averaging over 16 per year. The number peaked at 20 in 2021 and dropped to 15 in 2023, so fatalities in the area are trending downward.

Types of Car Accidents

Modesto car accidents vary in type and severity. The most common between 2019 and 2023 were:

  • Broadside collisions: 2,904
  • Rear-end collisions: 1,561
  • Sideswipe collisions: 556
  • Pedestrian collisions: 494
  • Head-on collisions: 460
  • Rollover collisions: 95


Serious injuries often result from these collisions, such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries, internal organ damage, bone fractures, and burn injuries. Many victims of car crashes may not realize the extent of their injuries for days or even weeks later. That’s why seeking medical help immediately is so important. Even if you think you escaped unscathed, it pays to visit your doctor or a nearby urgent care center.


Modesto, like many cities across the US has seen a surge in serious car accidents. Driving under the influence, distracted and reckless driving, and speeding contributing to many of these accidents. Safe driving habits can reduce accidents and make the streets of Modesto safer.

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