Yuga Labs will build its Otherside metaverse on Improbable’s Msquared

by | May 2, 2024 | Technology

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Yuga Labs and Improbable have teamed up to build a metaverse dubbed Otherside, the companies announced during a Town Hall meeting for Otherside.

The companies announced that Yuga Labs will migrate its Otherside metaverse onto Msquared, which is Improbable’s network of interconnected metaverses — something that was announced today during an online town hall, which drew around 1,200 to 1,300 people to the same digital space.

Improbable and Yuga Labs will reveal other news related to Otherside’s development, including more events, a massive multiplayer event coming in July, and a World Builder ODK (Otherside Developer Kit) which is an extension of the M2 ODK to put tools in the hands of Voyagers to build on Otherside. 

Peter Lipka, COO and cofounder of Improbable, said in an interview with GamesBeat that Msquared is Improbable’s latest-generation technology for building metaverses. It has shared infrastructure among different companies, assets that can be shared, avatars that can move from one metaverse to another — all built on a foundation of Web3 technology and the company’s Morpheus engine.

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We’re thrilled to open our call for speakers to our flagship event, GamesBeat Summit 2024 hosted in Los Angeles, where we will explore the theme of “Resilience and Adaption”.

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The World Builder ODK enables game companies and other metaverse firms to build their own worlds. It enables user-generated content. With these worlds, the underlying tech is interoperable, but each metaverse builder owns its own front door in the connected worlds, Lipka said.

Otherside’s town hall drew 1,200 to 1,300 people to the same space.

What that means ultimately is that by re-establishing Otherside on Improbable infrastructure and technology, Yuga Labs will provide Otherside community the ability to build, in a mass-scale environment, and with interoperability between the metaverses that are already on the Improbable network. 

The two companies have been doing special Otherside events together. Each one has been super easy for the Bored Ape and Mutant Ape — properties of Yuga Labs — to get into. You just click on a link and you’re transported into the world.

Herman Narula, CEO of Improbable, said in an interview that in contrast to a traditional MMO, players can occupy the same space as other players. Thus, the density of players in a given space is much higher with Otherside, where there are multiple peo …

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Are you looking to showcase your brand in front of the gaming industry’s top leaders? Learn more about GamesBeat Summit sponsorship opportunities here. 

Yuga Labs and Improbable have teamed up to build a metaverse dubbed Otherside, the companies announced during a Town Hall meeting for Otherside.

The companies announced that Yuga Labs will migrate its Otherside metaverse onto Msquared, which is Improbable’s network of interconnected metaverses — something that was announced today during an online town hall, which drew around 1,200 to 1,300 people to the same digital space.

Improbable and Yuga Labs will reveal other news related to Otherside’s development, including more events, a massive multiplayer event coming in July, and a World Builder ODK (Otherside Developer Kit) which is an extension of the M2 ODK to put tools in the hands of Voyagers to build on Otherside. 

Peter Lipka, COO and cofounder of Improbable, said in an interview with GamesBeat that Msquared is Improbable’s latest-generation technology for building metaverses. It has shared infrastructure among different companies, assets that can be shared, avatars that can move from one metaverse to another — all built on a foundation of Web3 technology and the company’s Morpheus engine.

GB Event
GamesBeat Summit Call for Speakers
We’re thrilled to open our call for speakers to our flagship event, GamesBeat Summit 2024 hosted in Los Angeles, where we will explore the theme of “Resilience and Adaption”.

Apply to speak here

The World Builder ODK enables game companies and other metaverse firms to build their own worlds. It enables user-generated content. With these worlds, the underlying tech is interoperable, but each metaverse builder owns its own front door in the connected worlds, Lipka said.

Otherside’s town hall drew 1,200 to 1,300 people to the same space.

What that means ultimately is that by re-establishing Otherside on Improbable infrastructure and technology, Yuga Labs will provide Otherside community the ability to build, in a mass-scale environment, and with interoperability between the metaverses that are already on the Improbable network. 

The two companies have been doing special Otherside events together. Each one has been super easy for the Bored Ape and Mutant Ape — properties of Yuga Labs — to get into. You just click on a link and you’re transported into the world.

Herman Narula, CEO of Improbable, said in an interview that in contrast to a traditional MMO, players can occupy the same space as other players. Thus, the density of players in a given space is much higher with Otherside, where there are multiple peo …nnDiscussion:nn” ai_name=”RocketNews AI: ” start_sentence=”Can I tell you more about this article?” text_input_placeholder=”Type ‘Yes'”]

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