Gaming’s rising stars: Is Roblox the new ground floor for game devs? | GamesBeat Summit 2024

by | Jun 3, 2024 | Technology

GamesBeat is excited to partner with Lil Snack to have customized games just for our audience! We know as gamers ourselves, this is an exciting way to engage through play with the GamesBeat content you have already come to love. Start playing games here. 

Of all the talks at GamesBeat Summit 2024, I thought one of the most interesting was a panel I moderated dubbed Gaming’s Rising Stars: Developers building businesses on Roblox.

Before a crowded room of much older game industry leaders, we talked about how user-generated content (UGC) games on Roblox (and Fortnite and Minecraft) could be the new ground floor for game developers. At a time when layoffs have plagued the industry and made it so hard to find jobs, we’ve seen enormous growth on Roblox.

In its most recent quarterly report, Roblox said its DAILY active users in the quarter ended March 31 hit 77.7 million, up 17% from a year ago.

We gathered a panel of young rising stars on Roblox to talk about the opportunity. They included Clarence Maximillian, CEO of Maximillian Studios; Anne Shoemaker, CEO of Fullflower Studio; and Aiden “Rynity Rift” Montreuil, founder of Railrose.

Lil Snack & GamesBeat

GamesBeat is excited to partner with Lil Snack to have customized games just for our audience! We know as gamers ourselves, this is an exciting way to engage through play with the GamesBeat content you have already come to love. Start playing games now!

Our aim was to draw attention to how more game developers are growing up on these platforms and developing their skills so they can break into an industry that is increasingly tough to get into. Our panelists said it involves growing up with games and being authentic to what gamers want on these platforms, where you can find everything from Lego-like blocky graphics to Call of Duty style realism.

Amid the sea of bad industry news, Roblox and other UGC platforms are among the bright spots. We talked about their experiences and what it takes to succeed. And be sure to sign up for GamesBeat Next 2024.

Here’s an edited transcript of our panel.

Left to right: Aiden “Rynity Ryft” Montreuil of Railrose, Anne Shoemaker of Fullflower Studio and Clarence Maximillian of Maximillian Studios.

GamesBeat: I’ve been covering games for 27 years, but I’m not the expert on stage. In fact, none of you are likely to be experts in this room [for this session]. It’s an interesting turnabout. It feels like user-generated content is …

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GamesBeat is excited to partner with Lil Snack to have customized games just for our audience! We know as gamers ourselves, this is an exciting way to engage through play with the GamesBeat content you have already come to love. Start playing games here. 

Of all the talks at GamesBeat Summit 2024, I thought one of the most interesting was a panel I moderated dubbed Gaming’s Rising Stars: Developers building businesses on Roblox.

Before a crowded room of much older game industry leaders, we talked about how user-generated content (UGC) games on Roblox (and Fortnite and Minecraft) could be the new ground floor for game developers. At a time when layoffs have plagued the industry and made it so hard to find jobs, we’ve seen enormous growth on Roblox.

In its most recent quarterly report, Roblox said its DAILY active users in the quarter ended March 31 hit 77.7 million, up 17% from a year ago.

We gathered a panel of young rising stars on Roblox to talk about the opportunity. They included Clarence Maximillian, CEO of Maximillian Studios; Anne Shoemaker, CEO of Fullflower Studio; and Aiden “Rynity Rift” Montreuil, founder of Railrose.

Lil Snack & GamesBeat

GamesBeat is excited to partner with Lil Snack to have customized games just for our audience! We know as gamers ourselves, this is an exciting way to engage through play with the GamesBeat content you have already come to love. Start playing games now!

Our aim was to draw attention to how more game developers are growing up on these platforms and developing their skills so they can break into an industry that is increasingly tough to get into. Our panelists said it involves growing up with games and being authentic to what gamers want on these platforms, where you can find everything from Lego-like blocky graphics to Call of Duty style realism.

Amid the sea of bad industry news, Roblox and other UGC platforms are among the bright spots. We talked about their experiences and what it takes to succeed. And be sure to sign up for GamesBeat Next 2024.

Here’s an edited transcript of our panel.

Left to right: Aiden “Rynity Ryft” Montreuil of Railrose, Anne Shoemaker of Fullflower Studio and Clarence Maximillian of Maximillian Studios.

GamesBeat: I’ve been covering games for 27 years, but I’m not the expert on stage. In fact, none of you are likely to be experts in this room [for this session]. It’s an interesting turnabout. It feels like user-generated content is …nnDiscussion:nn” ai_name=”RocketNews AI: ” start_sentence=”Can I tell you more about this article?” text_input_placeholder=”Type ‘Yes'”]

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