This year’s ‘Where are the jobs?’ is ‘Where are the lower gas prices?’ – Fox Business

by | Jun 23, 2022 | Jobs

The Price Futures Group senior market analyst Phil Flynn and Sanders Morris Harris chairman George Ball analyze the energy sector on ‘The Claman Countdown.’ Where are the jobs? A dozen years ago, frustrated Americans surveying the effects of the Obama administration’s economic policies asked that question of Democrats who promised a job boom from the then-largest stimulus legislation in American history. This year, Americans fuming at the pump over record-high gas prices might similarly ask “where are the lower gas prices” the Biden administration has repeatedly promised but failed to deliver.Americans over age 30 will probably recall the jobs promises made by supporters of the Obama stimulus law. The Obama administration and its surrogates predicted that $800 billion legislation would create millions of jobs—including, infamously, “shovel-ready jobs”—while holding the unemployment rate under eight percent. Then-Vice President Joe Biden served as “sheriff” over the law’s implementation, and an administration report offered detailed projections of the expected impact on jobs. But instead of creating “between three and four million jobs by the end of 2010,” employment fell and at the end of 2010 was 6.7 million jobs short of those promises.President Obama later lamely admitted the shovel-ready jobs were “not as shovel-ready as we expected.” When unemployment soared to 10 percent, or …

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